
Create SPLASH to get out of the Bunker

” Mind is a great instrument which provide comfort in testing times, provided we allow it to work rationally for us”.

1. Golf Courses are designed to have some inbuilt hazards and bunkers located strategically through out the golf course. For some golfers bunkers are a big time waterloo. The moment their golf ball find the bunker, it will send them into fits & make them jittery. That’s why, today I have decided to talk about the bunker play.

2. I have always belived that hitting shots from the bunker provide you the largest error tolerance. Infact , it’s the bunker where as per the technique, you are expected to hit behind the ball and not at the golf ball. Remember, every where on the golf course you are expected to make a clean contact with the ball except playing from the bunker. This simple thought of hitting behind the golf ball and not at the ball, itself provide a great comfort to the mind and ease of the pressure. I personally call it a High error tolerance shot. Take a careful look at the picture frames in the blog.

3. In order to create a perfect SPLASH IN THE SAND, you need to do the following :-

(a) Take a proper wide stance and flexed your knees to lower your CG( centre of gravity).

(b) Once you establishes this setup position correctly, thereafter what is left is to splash the club through the sand few inches behind the ball.

(c) Open the club face and than take a grip. This will help you keep the club face open throught the sand.

(d) Allow the bounce of the Sand Wedge / Lob Wedge to move the sand from underneath the ball by fully releasing the club head through the impact.

SPECIAL TIP :- A Wedge with more “bounce” displaces more sand at impact. So buy a Wedge with plenty of bounce on it and your bunker shots will become a lot easier.

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